Fiber Solution


Future proof fibre – optic cabling solutions
It is almost impossible to overstate the importance of information and its communication to any business at the outset of the 21st century, when the accelerating pace of change makes it vital to keep your finger on the pulse.

Techcorner Solutions – gearing for growth from the word go
The volume and speed of information exchange has increased exponentially in recent years – and there’s no reason to think that growth will slow down. If anything, it’s likely to accelerate – so a solution that’s adequate today could well be overwhelmed in a frighteningly short time. That will mean ripping it out and starting again – a process that incurs considerable cost, disruption and worst of all, the dulling of your competitive edge.

That’s where our commitment to working in partnership with our customers to plan ahead for increased information traffic is invaluable. Rather than install what’s necessary now, we’ll develop a bespoke, future-proof network that ensures the information and therefore the income, will flow with the utmost speed and efficiency long into the future.


Welcome to the TechCorner Solutions, your one stop for fibre optic installations, local area and wide area networks. We are dedicated to you the customer; guiding you through the early development stages of a fibre optic installation or network design and providing the necessary technical and logistic expertise to deliver tailor made solutions anywhere in the India.

TechCorner Solutions operate in India. We specialise in the design and engineering of fibre optic installations to support analogue and digital services and IP networks. Over the years our fibre optic installations have served many applications , LANs, WANs and storage area networks, through to disaster recovery schemes and mission/safety critical industrial control systems.

In addition to providing complete ‘turn key’ solutions, we offer a skills based service whereby we ‘top up’ the capabilities of our customers organisation. Thus we provide only the skills and services necessary to enable them to provide the complete solution to their clients. This can range from the provision of specialist services such as fibre optic splicing and testing, to the completion of fibre optic installations designed by our customer.

Please have a look around the site and contact us directly if you require any further information.